Yumin is our beautiful 13kg (28lb) Jindo boy who came to us from our partners in South Korea. His siblings, Yusun and Pinko, came to us several months ago and were adopted. We just found out that Yumin is ready to come and join our family! Yumin is about a year old and a jindo mix. He is also dog and cat friendly.
This boy is just super friendly and often described as perfect! His ideal home would have an enclosed outdoor area, such as a yard or porch. He just loves to sunbathe and bird watch! So far, this young pup proved to be an old soul and very calm. While he does love to play with toys and can be active, his chill switch is always on!
Yumin would be happy in an adult home or one with kids. He just loves scratches, cuddles, eskimo kisses, and belly rubs. He is also a gentleman on the leash and prances on his walks.
If interested in adopting Yumin, please email us at info@twentypawsrescue.com or twentypawsrescue@gmail.com. We respond to all emails. If you dont hear back from us, please follow up.
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