Timmy tim tim is the cutest little 1 year old 5lb chi mix. Timmy is sweet, loving, affectionate, kind, and a ball of laughs. He will come up to you and nuzzle his little head into the crevice of your neck and snooze the day away, dance when you he sees you take out his leash and harness, and joyfully put on his little biker jacket. Any and everything he does brings a smile to your face and laughter into your heart. Honestly, this little boy has been through so much in his life. We cannot begin to imagine what he’s endured, but once you meet him, you know it was tragic. His deep chocolate brown eyes will tell you a tale far more engrossing than any movie or book you have read. Timmy gets along with dogs of all ages and sizes. He walks like a gentleman on the leash and thinks he is the king of your world. Correction, he knows he is the king of your world. We have done it all with this little boy and learned he makes the best co-pilot and side kick. He will go with you to the spa, mall, dancing, car rides, you name it. I would imagine he would snowboard down a mountain with you too if you held him. That is just it, Timmy loves to be held and feel the warmth and love of your heart near his. While at when first meeting him and going through a change, Timmy can be nervous. However, with reassurance, patience, and love, Timmy adjusts and becomes more and more independent every day. It is amazing how much love this little tiny body has to offer you.

Timmy is housebroken, neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated.

If interested in fostering or adopting Timmy, please email us at twentypawsrescue@gmail.com or info@twentypawsrescue.com **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!***


  • Name: Timmy
  • Age: 1 year old
  • Loves: Cuddles, sleeping, you!
  • Health: Neutered, vaccinated, chipped