Meet Sprout, a 4 year old 70lb double colored handsome pony. He and his brother (Aru) entered our care after their owner wanted to surrender him to the city shelter. She was pregnant and they did not fit into her lifestyle anymore. Thankfully, through social media, they each found amazing foster homes that will continue to prepare them for adoption.
Sprout has yet to interact with dogs, besides his brother, when he sees them outside, he does seem very interested. Thus, socialization will be part of his rehabilitation while with us. Sprout is an energetic boy who is coming into his own. Now, he is receiving proper exercise and much happier! Sadly, before coming into our care, Sprout and Aru were kept locked in crates/rooms, and not cared for properly.
These boys thrive with patience and consistency. With these, they are able to work on their puppy behavior and learn proper manners. Initially, Aru can be very timid and fearful. One of our goals is to boost his confidence and show him just how wonderful he is!
These 2 are acclimating to their foster homes and learning to trust again. We are really optimistic that they will gain all the training they need and be ready for adoption soon. While they do love each other, they are not bonded. Aru and Sprout can be adopted separately or together.
Please follow Aru and Sprout’s journeys. If you can contribute to their care, it would be greatly appreciated. Sprout needs routine vetting, but training can be costly. While he is not aggressive, he is a shy boy who will need time. Thank you in advance.