Roscoe is the cutest little 25lb 1.5 year old terrier mix boy. Black, brown, and filed with sugar this boy never fails to impress. He gets along perfectly with dogs and cats of all sizes and temperaments! We rescued him from a southern shelter, where he faced euthanasia. Who could ever imagine dumping, let alone killing, this boy?! He is so well behaved and handeld his transition to becoming a Jersey boy in perfect stride. Always with a smile on his face, Roscoe’s happy personality is infectious! Roscoe is house broken. well behaved, quiet, and loves to sun bathe!
Definitely someone you dont want to pass up!
If interested in adopting Roscoe, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**