Rosa is a stunning blue/gray 4 year old 60 lb girl. Currently, she dreams of joining the US Olympic team for anything. This girl loves to be active and engage in whatever you want her to do! She LOVES people and cant wait to meet anyone that smiles her way.
After years in a shelter/boarding, she is ready to stretch her legs and get active with her foster or forever home. Maybe she will start her own Instagram exercise account or lead pilates classes. The sky is the limit with Rosa! Rosa loves to relax after an active day. Give her a chance and you will all be in the best shape of your life. She only asks to be the only pet in your home. Is that too much to dream of? To be your bouncy princess?
If interested in adopting or fostering, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, If you do not hear from us, please follow up!