Meet this freckled big star. Roman is a 1 year old 77lb bully mix. What ever he is, his looks and personality are outstanding. Roman gives you the best of both worlds. He is goofy and sweet, playful and cuddly, smart and playful, curious and calm, and devastatingly handsome. His white body with chestnut freckles and 2 different colored eyes make him a head turner everywhere he goes. He has one earth brown eye and one ocean blue, one brown ear and one speckled with freckles. Compound that with his terrific personality and you have the dog that will put a smile in your heart. Roman is an expert tennis player. Andre Agassi, watch out! Not into tennis? How about a riveting game of tug-of-war? Roman is very athletic and excels in every physical task placed before him. As a smart boy, Roman is a fast learner. He quickly learned how to walk nicely on the leash and does so well in the concrete jungle of Manhattan. This boy really knows how to handle everything with a graceful stride and smile. Crate trained, equipped with basic obedience, and so so sweet, Roman is really a great addition into a home. He appears to be wonderful with all those he meets and really loves his canine foster brother, another member of the melon head family. Roman can be a mans man or a lady’s best friend, diamonds beware.


If interested in adopting Roman, please email us at or We respond to all emails. So, if you do not hear back from us, please follow up!


  • Name: Roman
  • Age: 1 year
  • Loves: Dogs, snuggles, sports
  • Health: Vaccinated, neutered, and microchipped