Reeses Pieces, also known by his alias as Big Beefy, is a 3 year old 88 lb delicious brindle Rottweiler mastiff concoction. Reeses Pieces is a doll, gem, and colossal softie. At the vet’s office he is the official greeter. When he gets a vaccine, he let’s out a whimper and seeks a loving hand or kiss. Reeses Pieces gets along with every dog and human he meets, even the most persistent and little of animals. He is a great play buddy, adventurer, and snuggle partner. Oh, and he enjoys playing in the snow. Not sold on this angel yet? How about this… He is a doll with children- the best sibling they could ever imagine. Also, he is very smart. In no time, he learns new commands and will do anything for you. Big Beefy will make your heart swim, enrich your home, and bring a new reason to smile during the day.
If interested in fostering or adopting, please email us at twentypawsrescue@gmail.com or info@twentypawsrescue.com. **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**