Meet the biggest baby of them all. So much that we had to call him Mr. Baby! This boy came to our rescue when his former home did not want him anymore and threatened to take him to the shelter. Mr. Baby is a 4 year old 70-75 lb American Bully. A stud and gentleman for sure!

Mr. Baby has incredible listening skills and learns quickly. Brawn and brains! Since we took him to our rescue, Mr. Baby is now perfect on the leash, potty trained, fully vaccinated, and neutered. Mr. Baby loves his toys and is wonderful with sharing them and his food! This bubbly angel just wants to play. We guess “boys just wanna have fun!” Mr. Baby loves a good game of chase and to show off his smile. He would make a great running or jogging buddy! Perfect for an active person. However, he also loves to lounge and cuddle. Mr. Baby just wants your love and attention!

Mr. Baby is good with other dogs and children. His former home had a 7-year-old child, who he was with since she was 3 years old. He also does well with other dogs. We do not know how Mr. Baby is with cats though.
Adopting Mr. Baby will make you the happiest and luckiest home. He is the perfect meat/mellon head!

If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**

  • Name: Mr. Baby
  • Age: 4 years old
  • Likes: Dogs, playing ball, cuddling
  • Health: Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped