Meet Maxiums! This 1 year old 6.4 lb black pomeranian is a fluffy hair party! Playful and energetic, Maximus is ready to meet his soul mate. Due to no fault of his own, Maximus came into our care as an owner surrender- the humans’ life changed and they did not want him anymore. Maximus loves all dogs and cats. Although he has no delusions about his size, Maximus enjoys playing with large dogs. He is an ongoing playing machine, especially in the snow. Any dog he lives with should be pumped to live a life of licks, wiggles, and snuggles. Max cuddles as often as he can and is a wonderful car buddy. Also- but dont tell Maximus we told you, he has an image to protect, but he enjoys traveling with you in a purse. This fluffy boy will make a great addition for a home ready for his endless comical antics.

Maximus gives Russell Crowe a run for his money and, in our opinion, is the cutest gladiator in town!

If interested in fostering or adopting, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**

  • Name: Maximus
  • Age: 1 year old
  • Likes: Dogs, Cats, people, snow
  • Health: Vaccinated, neutered, microchipped