Lucky is a 12 year old, 10 lb male maltese. Very very friendly, Lucky is wonderful with all humans and other dogs. He is very affectionate and get’s attached to people very quickly. Lucky stays true to the famous Maltese characteristics. Gentle and fearless, the Maltese greets everyone as a friend. His glamorous white coat gives him a look of haughty nobility, but looks can be deceiving. This is a sprightly, vigorous dog excels not only as a companion but also as a therapy dog and competitor. Most of all, he loves to be with his people…and eat. Lucky’s favorite part of the day is breakfast and dinner, he loooveesss to eat! and he is not fussy.
His former humans found him as a stray when he was younger; however, they decided to take him to the NYACC because she no longer had time for Lucky. Before he could be surrendered, we rescued Lucky. Unfortunately, his routine care was neglected and he needed some medical TLC. Since all of his teeth were abscessed, Lucky needed to have all of his teeth removed. This poor boy was in so so much pain. This boy earned a badge of honor and a much deserved spa day. Lucky never let anything phase him and always has a smile on his face.
If you can open your heart & home to this wonderful loving little boy, you will be rewarded with years of love and puppy kisses!
If interested in adopting Lucky, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!***