Lucky is a 13.5 year old, 50lb, gentleman looking for his furever home. He would love to be in either an adult home or one with kids to call his besties. Our little big man is also a fan of other dogs, inside and outside the home. He just loves his foster sister and meeting other canine friends on their walks together. Did we mention he is also cat friendly! While he is interested in his cat foster sibling, Lucky is respectful and allows him to have his own space. Perfect as can be, our boy is wonderful in the car as well, housebroken, and crate trained!
Lucky was surrendered to the shelter after his owner was hospitalized After we saw his face there, we could not stand to see him there any longer. Now, he is ready for his happily ever after!
Ideally, Lucky asks to be in a home with minimal stairs. He can do a flight of stairs with ease, but, sadly, there will be a time when multiple flights will be a challenge. If he has access to lounge outside, that would be the best. Lucky LOVES to be outside and sunbathe. Also, he enjoys going for walks and has great leash manners. All in all, Lucky is a wonderful gentleman who loves to snooze in bed, absorb belly rubs, pets, and praise, and nosh on all that life has to offer! Given the chance, Lucky will melt into your body for a cuddle session. He just loves spending time with his person(s). He would be perfect for anyone looking for a loyal companion and best friend.
Lucky is vaccinated, neutered, and chipped.
Please email us at if interested in adopting Lucky. Please note that we respond to all emails. If you do not receive a response, please follow up!