Libby is a stunning 3 year old brindle boxer staffie beauty! This 50 lb girl was born on Valentine’s day and has cupid running through her veins. Once she gets to know you, Libby cannot wait to show you love and affection. She will spend the entire day curled by your side keeping you warm and happy. Libby is dog and cat friendly, with a special love towards male dogs and cats. While she does love male animals, she has a special affinity towards women. She warms up to them immediately. Men, you have to earn her love…try dog treats, flowers, or some Tiffany’s! Libby also loves children and is very gentle with newborns! Honestly, Libby loves to have anyone or anything as a cuddle buddy. She happily rests her melon at their side or on your feet…lap…bed…chest…you name it! In addition to enjoying laying by your side, Libby loves to sun bathe and soak in the fresh air. Often, you can find her in a patch of grass enjoying a toy. Sometimes a game of tug of war is on the menu, though!

Libby is a shy girl low energy girl. She would do best in a home with a fenced yard or quiet family. However, she does not require a yard and walks like a complete angel on the leash! Libby would also love to be the only dog in the home. However, she would be happy to have a male fur sibling to live and hang out with. This girl is such a love bug and just cant wait to meet the right family for her, one that will allow her personality to shine and come through! Between her brindle coat and epic brown button eyes, Libby will captivate you!

Libby knows an array of commands, house broken, and crate trained!

If interested in fostering or adopting or fostering Libby, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**

  • Name: Libby
  • Age: 3 years old
  • Loves: Cuddles, cats, kids, you
  • Health: Spayed, vaccinated, chipped