Meet brindle and white 11 year old beautiful pittie princess Lady Natalia. She came to us at 73 lbs and started a weight loss journey. She hopes to finish it soon at 55lbs. Lady Natalia is working her curvaceous butt off, literally, and loving it! She’s feeling (and moving) so much better.

We rescued this girl from the NYACC where she was an owner surrender. Immediately, this girl stole our hearts. We are confident you will be enamored too! Lady Nat loves all dogs and humans she meets. She also gets along with cats! When she feels like it, she is even a lady. But, mostly, she’s a free spirit who loves the outdoors and cuddle time. Lady Natalia also loves to wear a tiara since she is a queen.

She lives in her foster home with multiple foster siblings and especially loves her foster brother, Jelly Bean, who she always beats in games.

If interested in adopting or fostering, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, If you do not hear from us, please follow up

  • Name: Lady Natalia
  • Age: 11 years old
  • Likes: Dogs, cuddles, people, playtime
  • Health: Spayed, vaccinated, chipped