KiKi is a stunning little 4 year old 35 lb pittie mix with antenna ears that will have you believing she can fly. This princess is friendly, exuberant, outgoing with all those she comes across, and sports the cutest underbite. She also has the biggest Disney princess inspired eyes you have ever seen! Previously she lived with children, including newborns and toddlers, and proved to be patient, relaxed, and playful with them, even when a child is a little on the rougher side; she is a wonderful best friend for a child to grow up with and build an unbreakable bond. This girl LOVES to cuddle with people and wholeheartedly enjoys spending time with you. She will perch herself on your lap, lean in close to your heart, and spend all the time in the world listening to your heart.

KiKi is also wonderful with cats and other dogs. She currently lives with 3 smaller dogs and is very tolerant of them, including one pup that is a bit on the moody side. However, she does love to play, cuddle, and interact with other dogs too. She can be very respectful of different personalities and adjusts accordingly to her environment. She truly can be a chameleon.

KiKi enjoys bath time and car rides. Basically, any time she can spend with you, is a happy time for her. She is also house broken and very trustworthy when left home alone! She knows basic commands and can give you a high 5 any time you would like. (okay maybe it will cost you a bite of your apple)

Sadly, KiKi found herself in a kill shelter after her humans dumped her and her daughter there. Originally purchased from a breeder and raised from puppyhood, KiKi’s humans bred her multiple times. When they decided they were through using her for puppies and had too many pets in the home, the chose to dispose of KiKi and her daughter. KiKi’s daughter was adopted from the shelter, and KiKi was left alone and afraid without her.
If interested please email us at or ***Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!** You may also see this darling on our website at and complete an online application.

  • Name: KiKi
  • Age: 4 years
  • Loves: Dogs, cats, kids, cuddles
  • Health: Vaccinated, fixed, chipped