Kami is a 10 month old, 20lb jindo mix girl seeking a family outside of the urban hustle and bustle. Our girl loves people and older kids. She plays with children like they are her long lost siblings! Kami also loves to play with other dogs and has a great time in doggy day care. Kami also loves food! She will do anything for a yummy nom nom. Let Kami show off her incredible intelligence! She will gladly do what you ask. Kami’s future family should know that she can be a drama queen. When she encounters a new situation, Kami has the potential to be very fearful. We don’t know what she endured before rescue; however, she suffered greatly from it. Please be patient with her as she learns to trust you. Inside the home, Kami is incredibly happy and playful. In the city, the world seems to weigh on her shoulders and makes her fearful. We would love to see her in a suburban or rural setting. We rescued Kami from rural South Korea where she was wandering as a stray in the street.DOG and CAT friendly. We are looking for a foster or foster to adopt situation. She’s a return Adoption as adopter doesn’t feel able to care for her. Kami is need of a medical foster due to ongoing issues with her back legs. While we are unsure of the cause, xrays are normal. Initially, our vets felt she would grow out of it. Regardless, Kami is a loving girl with lots of pep in her step. Does great playing outside but slips a lot indoors. If interested in adopting or fostering Kami, email us at twentypawsrescue@gmail.com or info@twentypawsrescue.com. Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, if you do not hear from us, please follow up!