Jelly Bean is as delicious as he sounds. This 8 year old pittie/Bulldog concoction from NYC is his own flavor of cuteness. He has 2 different colored eyes and the size of a small 80 lb teddy bear. Jelly belly Bean loves to roam in the grass (and graze upon it), sun bathe, and eat. He’s a professional yelp reviewer and foodie! He lives in his foster home with his foster siblings, whom are also available for adoption. He took a specific liking to Lady Natalia, see her bio as well! He always let’s her won when they play! They are the cutest couple!
Bean is extremely affectionate and loves to cuddle…with anyone, anytime, anywhere! Literally, Jelly Bean is the best friend you’re waiting for. He’s ideal for your Love, Death, and Robots binge, no judgment when you eat that entire gallon of ice cream, or join you on that hike you always wanted to go on. He will even Stop and smell (or eat) the roses with you!
He’s one tough cookie! When he arrived to his foster, he was in rough shape. Jelly Bean was emaciated and covered in skin infections. Since his arrival, he’s gained some much needed weight, regrown his hair and cleared up those allergies!
If interested in adopting or fostering, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, If you do not hear from us, please follow up!