Irene. What can we tell you about this little 7 lb baby miniature poodle. She is a dream. She is wonderful in the car, affectionate, loves to sit in a purse (yes we did it), and companion. Irene is just about 6-9 years old and had a horrific back story. Despite her past, she continues to be an advocate for love and cuddles. It was a long road for her. Literally and figuratively- we rescued her from South Korea! She was a breeder mom at a puppy mill there. When saved, she had multiple hernias that needed to be repaired. Our poor girl suffered in the past, but no longer!

Irene loves other dogs, tolerates cats (they are much bigger than her), and loves to sit in the palm of your hand (yes we did this too). She vocalizes her need for cuddles and to go to the bathroom. Irene also loves to run around with other dogs and play. She does not see breed, size, or gender as an issue. She loves them all!

If interested in adopting or fostering, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, If you do not hear from us, please follow up!

  • Name: Irene
  • Age: 6-8 years old
  • Health: Spayed, chipped, vaccinated
  • Loves: Cuddles, travel, dogs, playtime