Meet Haru, he’s a 3 year old 20 lb terrier mix that needs a loving home! Our boy is wonderful with other dogs, but can be shy with new people. Not to worry! He warms up quickly and in no time will be your best friend! Haru loves car rides and spending time outside. Among his favorite activities are hiking, sun bathing, and prancing by your side.
Ideally, Haru asks to be in an adult home. He is very low key indoors and loves to lay down, with his paws criss crossed- such a gentleman! Our boy is also housebroken and crate trained.
We rescued Haru from South Korea, where he had a very grim future at the shelter. In US, he is thriving and hopes to find his forever home soon! Please give our little scruffy boy a chance!
If interested in adopting Haru, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, some emails get lost. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails.