Gabriela, a native new yorker, was born on 11/20/14. Gabriela is a spunky little 17lb pit/stafft puppy with gray eyes, pointy (self standing) ears, and a gorgeous deep blue and white coat. Gabriela dreams of forever family. Ideally, her adoptive home should be an active one. Spring is right around the corner and Gabriela would love a running, or sporty, buddy. Her foster mom describes Gabriela as an independent girl that loves to play and embraces her silliness. This perky wind up toy is best for an adult home or one with older children. She does get along with dogs and humans!

If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails

  • Name: Gabriela
  • Age: 5 months
  • Loves: Toys, dogs, and playtime
  • Health: Vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed before adoption