Dolce is a 1 year old 9 lb girl born to melt your heart. She is a spunky blend of adventurer and couch potato. Our guess is that she is a Pomeranian chi mix, but who knows! Dolce LOVES to be outside, run, and play with other dogs. Weather doesn’t bother her, and she loves to pounce in the snow, sun, rain, or mud. With humans, she craves attention and affection. She cradles into the nook of your elbow and immediately lulls herself into a sleep. Those eye lids become too heavy to stay open! Dolce is a lover, she will snuggle up with you on the couch, bed, your chest. Anywhere. When she sees you approach, Dolce rolls over and shows her belly for a nice massage- how nice of you to offer! Dolce is housebroken (mostly) and crate trained. She loves people and is tolerant of children. Our girl is phenomenal with dogs of all sizes. Her best friend is her travel companion, Yong Yong. She also loves her pitbull foster sisters and terrorizing the yard with her doodle foster sister. While the smallest in the household, her personality dwarfs most. She has no problem using her sass to tell the big dogs when she’s had enough during playtime. Granted, this lasts only a few minutes before she is ready to take on the next round of zoomies. Generally, Dolce is docile and patient with the other dogs and people. She is eager to please.

Her ideal home is one with a fenced yard and someone who will allow her to be their partner in crime! Dolce is so much more than a purse pup, she is destined to be the light of your life. She embodies her name.

Dolce came to us from South Korea where she was rescued from a high kill shelter. She found herself there after she was reported as a stray by a kindergarten. She can be sensitive to loud noises and will hide from them.

If interested in adopting Dolce, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes email get lost. We respond to all emails. So, if you don’t hear back from us, please follow up.

  • Name: Dolce
  • Age: 1 year old
  • Loves: Cuddles, dogs, people
  • Health: Vaccined, spayed, chipped