Meet chocolaty, velvety, smiling, sweet 2 year old, 40 (iworking on gaining weight) lb pittie boy Declan. True to his name, Declan is full of goodness and love for all those he meets. We rescued Declan from a high kill southern shelter, where he faced euthanasia to clear up kennel space. No fault of his own! When he was found, Declan had large wounds on the side of his head and many scratches and scars, which he was, of course, treated for. He also had a huge mark around his neck from a tight chain. Declan healed nicely from his former horrific abuse and has nothing but love and goodness to offer anyone he encounters! Although, he never experienced to best of life, Declan always has a happy, positive attitude- you would never know that he suffered so much!
Declan does well with other dogs, people, and cats! One cat had the nerve to hiss and smack poor Declan! All our precious boy did was lay down and cry! He loves every person he meets, even when he was in a stressful shelter environment! Also, Declan absolutely loves toys, playing tug of war, and cuddling.
If interested in fostering or adopting or fostering Declan, please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**
These are his intake pictures. WARNING: They are grapic!