Cora is a 35lb 7 year old Spaniel mix that came to us as an owner surrender. This little freckled girl gets along with dogs and cats! She loves people, but just asks that a home has humans 10 years old and over. Cora has the cutest ticking in her fur and the nicest brown eyes that beg for love and attention. Other than showing off her model looks and mastery at obedience, Cora loves nothing more than lying next to you while you watch TV and share your goldfish crackers. That’s right! She too loves goldfish because they’re so delicious. She has impeccable house manners, walks well on a leash, and completely comfortable bring crate (when needed). Of course, Cora would rather be part of her family. She is super quiet in the house, but will alert when strangers arrive. She loves to please her people!
If interested in adopting Cora, please email us at