My name is Bonnie, also known and Bon Bon! I am a delightful 7 month old puggle with the cutest curled tail and freckles. A TPR volunteer found me advertised on craigslist and I was quickly taken into the rescue’s care. I am a delightful little princess who loves ALLLLL animals. My best friends include, in no particular order, my pitbull foster siblings, a cat (who I honestly think is a dog trapped in a feline body), and a guinea pig! I would love to be adopted into a home with other animals. If the home does not have other animals, then I would love to be with a human as often as possible. I get lonely and really thrive with companionship.

I am working on learning commands and starting to master them with my foster mom’s patience. All in all, I am a fun girl with a HUGE zest for life. With my irresistible smile and wiggle bum, I know you will fall hopelessly in love with me. I promise to be the perfect girl from my forever family!

If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails

  • Name: Bonnie (Bon Bon)
  • Age: 7 months old
  • Loves: Other animals, people, play time
  • Health: Vaccinated, microchipped, spayed before adoption