Bennett is a precious 2 year old, 20lb jindo mix. Honestly, we think he is part fox! 2 yrs old and 20 lbs. We rescued him from South Korea, where he was destined for a dog meat slaughterhouse. Since his arrival to his foster in the states, Bennett learned how to be a dog, and he is one amazing boy!
Our little fox gets along with everyone he meets, he is incredibly gentle and sweet. Whie he does get along with dogs and plays beautifully with them, he does prefer human companionship. Thus, he is happy to be your only pet, or share the home with a fur sibling.
Bennett is housebroken and crate trained. He is incredibly well behaved in the home as well. Honestly, there is nothing negative about this boy. Just give him a chance to warm up to you, and he SHINES. Any family would be lucky to have him. He would love to be your spoiled goodest boy!
If interested in adopting, please email us at or Please note we respond to all emails. If you do not hear back from us, please follow up! Sometimes, emails get lost in cyberspace.