Poppy, Pumpkin, and Blaze were the first pups Twenty Paws rescued from a North Carolina gassing shelter. They were dumped there on a Thursday and on the list to be killed on Friday. Just 20 minutes before their short time on this Earth was about to abruptly end, Twenty Paws saved these puppies. The phone call could not have come at a better time. After 14 days in quarantine at a local vet, Twenty Paws was blessed to have a transport group donate their time and efforts to deliver these pups to their loving foster home. There, an eager and excited foster family awaited their arrival. Pumpkin was adopted November 2011 and living forever free in Vermont. Poppy, adopted December 2011, in Rhode Island. Lastly, Blaze, adopted just before Christmas 2011, lives forever free and loved in Connecticut. After a rough start, all three live lives that any one of us would be fortunate to experience.
Poppy, Pumpkin, and Blaze~ 6 Weeks Old Survivors
posted in: Adopted Paws