Upon meeting her, Lucille is a girl that captivates your heart. She is about 46 lbs and 4 years old. This girl just LOVES people and other dogs. Unfortunately she wound up in a shelter with BSL and would not allow her to be adopted. Thus, only out of state rescue could save her. If not, then bully breeds are put to sleep to make room for the lamentable cycle to continue. The shelter volunteers contact us desperate to help this girl the morning she was scheduled to be put to sleep. Lucille came into the shelter with 7 puppies. They were all pulled by another rescue, poor Lucille was left behind. No one knew that those were her babies since the shelter placed them in separate cages! When we pulled her from the shelter, we saw that she is very underweight. However, she is at the vet’s office now getting well and working on gaining weight. She’s already stunning; we can only imagine what she will look like once she fills out. Lucille just wants to be loved and have a happy life. Is that too much for a darling girl with hypnotic green eyes to want?
Lucille will bring a smile to you daily. If you ever doubted dogs that look like her before, she will forever change your perception. Please consider adopting or fostering Lucille. We know you will both enrich one another’s lives.
If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**
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