Lenny’s story is incredibly sad and may cause you to cry, so grab those Kleenex! Lenny, our 16 lb., 15 month old terrier/poodle mix, came to us after 2 angels removed him from the streets. Neglected since the day he was born, Lenny was found excruciatingly and painfully matted and abused. No one ever bothered to take him for walks or to the park. No one ever bothered to love him. Everyday Lenny endured his “owners’’ cruelty and neglect. His ‘family’ threw him out into the cold, harsh, unforgiving streets of the Bronx. A kind woman on the street found Lenny and saved him moments before being hit by a bus AND 2 cars. Immediately she took him to the vet to seek medical attention for Lenny. Poor Lenny’s body was so engulfed by matted hair that they had to anesthetize him for four hours to take care of it. His condition was so severe that his skin was dying from the tangled hair blocking it from breathing. Combined, the woman who rescued him from the streets and another angel that devoted herself to helping Lenny find a home, spent over $1000 in vet bills to save Lenny. While at the vet, Lenny was neutered, fully vaccinated, and had a full panel done. The results showed that he was about one week away from personally meeting death. When Twenty Paws was notified of Lenny and his plight, they promised to keep him safe and find him a special forever family that will help undo his terrible start to life. He has now escaped his terrible early memories, but we will forever be reminded of them because of the scars that riddle his body. After a long road, he finally made it safe and sound to his foster home, gaining 5 dog and 2 cat siblings. He now has a second chance at life, and boy does he know it! Lenny loves car rides and is craving real true love and warmth. He is a sweet dog and constantly fills his family with happiness and love. Lenny lives forever free in Staten Island.
Lenny~ Our brave poodle mix New Yorker
posted in: Adopted Paws