Honey Bear is a wonderful 56 lb., 2 1/2 year old, house broken, well trained, Bichon loving, child adoring, and modelesque pit mix. However, her story is a tragic one. So get your tissues. When she arrived to her foster mom, she had cigarette burns on her chest. There are scars on her limbs, chest, and snout from being beaten. And to match, she has a scar circling her neck from a large collar that was never removed, forever chaffing the hair that was under it. After months of working with trainers, it became even clearer that she came from a tragically abusive background. However, her spirit and love for people remains unbroken. When you approach her you will be greeted with a bear hug and head-to-toe wiggles. She is a very happy girl now learning that it is ok to trust and love humans. She certainly does loves people and was relieved to see that she was permitted to. She also love other animals, even allowing a 5 wk old kitten sleep on her. Furthermore, she adores children and knows to approach them gently and slowly; and, then, gently kisses their hands. She loves to play, especially her red ball, and lavishes when people stop her on walks to pet her and compliment her on her regal rock star looks. At home, she lives with her foster mommy and her 13 year old diva Bichon foster sister. They always go on walks together and play. Nothing compares to their shared love for galloping through on beach and swimming in the ocean. She truly loves with all of her heart- and will use that to steal your spot in bed without you even realizing it. Honey Bear is a sensitive dog and senses when people are upset. If she sees this, she will quickly nuzzle herself in your arms and give you decadent kisses. At night, she dreams of a loving family of her own that will love her unconditionally. All she wants is to be safe and loved forever. Once, abandoned by her original ‘family’, sad, lonely, and terrified, she will never experience that again. Honey Bear will do well with someone who is patient and willing to continue helping her break through her past trauma. Her foster mom has been training her and working with her since Day 1 and she has come a long way. She adores everyone. She is a love bug who is eager to love, learn, and trust. Honey Bear lives with her foster mommy and sister in Brooklyn, NY awaiting her forever family.
If interested please email us at twentypawsrescue@gmail.com or info@twentypawsrescue.com. **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!** You may also complete an online application on this site.