Gypsy~ A Georgia peach dog/cow mix

posted in: Adopted Paws 0

Meet Gypsy, a 10 month old Pointer/Cattle dog mix. Just minutes away from death, her foster agreed to take her in. When she was taken from her kennel, Gypsy dropped to the ground and refused to move. The poor puppy was so afraid. She moved into a temporary foster home in GA while transport and vetting were arranged. Within no time Gypsy became a favorite in the house. She was well-mannered from the start and a show stopper. Soon she was on her way to her foster in New England. Within minutes of meeting her, he knew he was in love. Gypsy found her forever home. Her father constantly raves about what a good and sweet girl she is. She gets along well with everyone now, including cats and lobsters!

Gypsy was adopted 6/20/2011 and living forever free in Rhode Island.

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