This face is the definition of an angel. We need prayers and love for Edward. This week Edward went into the vet for some testing on discharge and lumps found by his foster mommy. They found and biopsied three tumors; all three are positive for mast cell cancer. Additional testing performed showed that this horrible disease has not yet spread to his lungs. Our team will fight the formidable cancerous adversary and give Edward the best chance possible for a long happy healthy life. Just a one year old baby dumped like yesterday’s rotten trash at a high kill shelter, he NEVER would have had a proper chance at live without rescue. Please consider donating towards his care. You can donate through our website or chipin at Every penny is greatly appreciated. Keep our special guy in your prayers! All donations are tax-deducible
His bio:
If milk and oreos could make an adorable puppy, Edward would be it. He is the sweetest most wholesome boy you will ever meet. At just a year old, this Boston Terrier is wise beyond his years. Although sage, he loves to goof off and make you laugh. Unlike our beloved Twilight vampire, our Edward loves the sun- and does not have fangs. He is precious and gregarious. Ideally, Edward should go to a home with another dog. He relishes in a canine’s company and indulges in human companionship. Like a dry thirsty sponge, he wants to absorb your affection and love. Between his comical facial expressions and antics, he will keep you rolling all day long. Why someone dumped this boy in a shelter is beyond us. His first night as a free man, Edward made a taco of himself so that he was completely entrenched in blankets and only his head poked out. He then proceeded to give his fosters a goofy smirk. We know you can picture this! This boy is almost too good to be true! If interested please email us at
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