Benjamin~ Cute As A Button

posted in: Adopted Paws 0


We have ANOTHER adoption to share! Robin has been searching for her perfect new family member for a long time, and finally the search has ended right here with her adoption of Benjamin. They are living in forever family bliss! We have a feeling Benjamin is the one that waited for his new mommy and picked her just in time!


Benjamin! Oh we cannot tell you enough good things about this amazing boy! He is a 5 year old Brussels Griffon! Benjamin is a lover. He embraces all those that cross his path- dogs, cats, and humans of all ages. It’s hard for us to believe who could dump this boy after 5 years of loyal love! However, it is their loss. We know that wherever he ends up, it will be the best place in the world for him. Benjamin is ready and waiting for his home and to show you his eternal gratitude. Surely you cannot resist a face like his?

If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**

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