Tessa is an intensely sweet 2 year old 8lb chihuahua maltese mix cuddle expert. She is house broken, dog friendly, and fiercely loyal to her human. Once Tessa chooses you as her person, she is the perfect lap dog and walking buddy! Tessa is also cat friendly, with the right cat as she does love to play chase. However, people are her priority. So, Tessa would love an adult home, equally happy with fur sibilngs or as the only child.
Like many pups who endured past trauma, Tessa prefers a peaceful environment outside the city. We rescued Tessa from the city shelter where she was absolutely terrified. Her former human surrendered her to the shelter because they were moving to a no pet home. She would not let the staff handle her and cowered in the back corner of her small cage. Due to her fear, she was slated for euthanasia.
While Tessa takes time to warm up to her human, she does love people. She just asks that you be patient with her as she processes your intentions. Tessa loves squeaky toys, car rides, yoga, pink bows, and impersonating Baby Yoda. Namaste!
If interested in adopting Tessa, please complete an application, which can be found on our website at www.twentypawsrescue.com/forms-applications. Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails. So, if you don’t hear back from us, please follow up.