Momo is a 5 year old, 13lb shih tzu boy that came to us from the city shelter as a matted mess. Initially, he suffered from eye and skin infections. Once in our care, Momo received much needed medical care and these issues cleared right up! Now, he just needs easy regular management of his allergies. If unchecked, he will have recurrent skin infections. 

Momo is an easy boy that loves to be doted on, meet new people, and make friends. He also gets along with other dogs and enjoys spending time with his foster brother, Norman. When Momo first arrived, he was afraid of people and would be extremely hesitant to approach them. After time and love with his foster momma, he seeks out people and shows off his winning personality. 

His transformation is truly inspiring. This is a little guy with a big heart who enjoys soaking in sunshine and watching the day drift by on the couch. He will also watch you eat, hoping for any crumbs to land in his mouth. No need for roomba! 

If interested in sponsoring Momo, email us at or Please note that due to an email glitch, sometimes emails get lost. We respond to all emails! So, if you do not hear from us, please follow up!

  • Name: Momo
  • Age: 5 years
  • Likes: sunshine, dogs, people
  • Health: Vaccinated, chipped, neutered, allergies