Gracie is a darling young puppy born October 28, 2012. She, along with her twin sister, was advertised on Craigslist as free to the first taker. Her former owners were willing to meet someone in a parking lot or on the street and give her away. Luckily, a team member spotted this ad and brought it to our attention. We could not turn away! Immediately after reading the advertisement, we established communication with the family. As you can see she and her sister have some suspicious scars/marks on their little bodies. Unfortunately, we can only speculate as to where they are from. However, we do know that they were down a terrifying dark road.
Her mother was a ‘Razor’s edge’ pitbull and her father was a Staffordshire terrier. We do have a picture of each of the parents. At about 5 months old, the girls are about 45 lbs each. In regards to personality, the girls are very different from one another. Thus, they are not extremely bonded and in separate foster homes. They are both doing well and waiting for their own happily ever after!
Her name, Gracie, given to her by the foster parent’s daughter, is truly a befitting name! Her poise and personality define grace. This young girl knew the right name for her within minutes of meeting her! Talk about insight! Gracie does well with cats and loves other dogs! When meeting a cat, she is a bit interested in them and barks; however, that’s about it. Her love transcends the canine and feline species and onto humans as well. Gracie loves people and just ADORES children. Shy, laid back, and demure, Gracie would be a wonderful addition into a home. She would thrive in a home where she receives the unconditional love she always deserved. She is working on potty training and basic commands. Gracie anxiously awaits her furever. She’s looking for her best friend, cuddle buddy, parent, companion, and the one she will tirelessly work to bring endless smiles to.
If interested please email us at or **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails!**
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