Darling’s name could not be more appropriate. This 33 lb 2 year old is an absolute little darling, perfect for any living setting. A ham for attention and love from people and other dogs, Darling is very affectionate and playful. She will literally crawl into your lap and wrap her arms around your neck. Darling loves to have her belly and her ears rubbed and will (begrudgingly) sit when you tell her to (tis generally accompanied by a sigh and an eyeroll. #truestory). She also snores with a smile on her face.
She does very well in doggy day care and dog play groups. Her and cats have yet to find a common ground. So, a home without feline friends is ideal. Darling is an expert passenger and experienced in travels with Uber.
Darling is a young and spunkly girl who loves to go for runs and eager to please her humans. Her favorite toy is a Kong; stuff it with some edible delectables and she will be your best friend. She is house trained, completely trustworthy at home (never chews on furniture or your shoes).
Darling was rescued from the NYACC. Her original humans threw her out. She was found literally running in the street and was almost hit by 2 cars. A good Samaritan found her and took care of her for a month before she was forced to surrender her. That’s when she reached out to TPR. With her hard work, we were able to save this angel. Darling’s past left her heart broken. She was always afraid that her foster would abandon her again. In no time, her foster mothers love and tlc taught her not all humans are bad. She’s come so so far!
If interested please email us at twentypawsrescue@gmail.com or info@twentypawsrescue.com. **Due to a gmail glitch, we lose some emails. So if you do not hear back from us please follow up! We respond to all emails.